Monday, April 11, 2011

To Fly or Not To that the question?

Here I am approaching Spring and once more my art tends towards birds and eggs.  New birth, new life.  

I am in the process of figuring out what my new life is going to look like. My early retirement is supposed to be about new beginnings. I periodically think about returning to teaching but wonder if that's my way of playing it safe.  I like working on my art but realize that I need to do more to round out my life.  I need to take classes or volunteer somewhere.  After all, art is a reflection of the way an artist sees the world around her/him. The walls of my home are becoming a little too confining.  So, the question remains,  to fly or not to fly?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your question, to fly or not to fly? Interesting and completely understandable. I think it is a question most struggle with, at least at some point in their lives. If I can say this though, no matter what you decide, I do believe your art helps many people to fly who may have had their wings clipped. You are very inspiring to many, I would like to tell you that even If you didn't leave your walls to work/volunteer/whatever it may be, you are helping many by sharing your talent. I know i am just a stranger but there have beens times I have not known where to go and your art has taken me away, at least for that moment my brain stopped spinning and I was able to enjoy something magnificent you have made, so thank you.