I named this collage, "Living the Dream" tongue in cheek. Now, reflecting back on the morning I've had, it seems appropriate to feature it in my blog today! It was on of those mornings, where by 10:30 I had already dealt with my son's car needing over 1000.00 worth of repairs, my girlfriend calling with unsettling news about her latest
mammogram, and my Weeping Cherry tree out front giving up the fight to live. Obviously the
mammogram takes top priority to my issues, but it just makes you wonder why tough things seem to come in waves. Even now, as I am sitting here writing out my blog, I look down to see that my newly pressed blue shirt somehow got covered in bleach when I did a load of laundry earlier!
My girlfriend will be fine, my credit card will handle the car repairs, and my oldest has offered to cut down the tree. The blue shirt has now become a new painting shirt (you can't have enough of those) and tomorrow will be another day. After all, I am currently "living the dream"......... right? :)
Love your attitude! I've a similar streak - water in the basement, refrigerator, hard drive crash, smashed my little finger so hard the nail will probably come off...
Oh well, I think I'll go make a collage - love yours! Also, best wishes to your friend!
Okay so the six degrees is getting more like five. Our weeping cherry tree is almost dead due to the heat here in VB. The friend with the mammogram....hummm sounds like me I had the same scare recently so I am praying for your friend. Mine was watched for three years having mamos every six months nothing grew so now I am back to one a year. Tell your friend that most of these turn out to be nothing but my prayers are with her.....
yup, bad luck lawasy comes in threes..now you gotta get 3 good lucks too.
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