I remember feeling as though the future held all kinds of possibilities. My favorite song at the time was "Anticipation" by Carly Simon. It seemed to sum up my feelings towards the future and becoming an independent adult. As a young student, I actually thought I would change the world, make life better for children.
Once I came to terms with the fact that I wouldn't be pursuing art for a living, I knew that working with kids would be my path. I've spent 31 years doing just that.
Sometimes it feels as though I'm making a difference. Sometimes it feels as though I have earned the respect of my peers. Then there are times like today when I feel as though I'm spinning my wheels and nobody hears a word I'm saying.
Life doesn't seem to hold as many possibilities these days. Anticipation has transformed into trepidation. Possibilities have become limitations. I do know this though, people can make a difference, maybe just not me.
Okay, time for me to find something to laugh about today! Actually, it's pretty funny that I am taking myself so seriously today.....................
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