"Thanks Mom" That was the response I received from my youngest today following a discussion about all of the genetic "quirks" he feels he inherited from me! He likes to blame his clumsiness, forgetfullness, and daily confusion on my genetic contribution to his existence.
I have had similar discussions with my mom over the years. My husband likes to call my blunders "corrylations" (my mom's name was Corry). Isn't he clever? He's probably on to something, but I also like to think that I inherited my creativity, independence, respect for learning, and sense of humor from mom. I'm not sure I ever told her that. It was more fun to tease her about the oddball traits.
Maybe someday my boys will think to credit me with at least a small part of their strength of character. Let's hope they do it sooner though rather than later....with the poor memory genes my mom passed on to me, I may just forget they've done it if they wait too much longer!
While we may kid with my mother about her quirks, we all credit her with holding the position as role model for the family. My mother is a source of inspiration and strength for all who know her. Personally I see my mother as the one person to try and emulate the most in terms of moral integrity and character as well as creativity. We all love her and are very proud of her!
I truly think I could stay here forever. I love this piece
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